Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tips for limiting screen time at home

“Media” is the term used to describe the many ways we communicate. Electronic media includes television, computers, cell phones, video games and movies. The amount of time we spend using them is sometimes called “screen time”. Children and teens have access to more kinds of electronic media than ever before. You can help your children develop healthy media habits by monitoring screen time and teaching them to use media safely and wisely. How can I set limits on my children’s screen time? Start encouraging good media habits when your children are young. Otherwise, it will get harder to enforce limits and influence their choices as they get older. Consider all electronic media when setting time limits for your family. Television, movies, the Internet (including social media), video games and gaming devices (whether hand-held, or played through a computer or television) all add to your child’s total screen time. Children learn many of their values and ideas from their parents. Be aware of your own media habits and change them if necessary. Limit television watching to less than 1 to 2 hours per day. Avoid making television watching part of your regular daily routine. Keep television, computers and gaming equipment out of your child’s bedroom. Keep them in common areas, where you can watch your children while they use them. Turn off the television or computer when you aren’t using it. Balance screen time with sports, hobbies, creative and outdoor play, both on their own and together as a family. Late-night chatting online, surfing and texting with friends shouldn’t cut into important sleep time. Ask your child or teen to give you their cell phone at a certain time at the end of they day so they aren’t interrupted with phone calls or text messages during family time. Talk about the importance of shutting off cell phones and the value of being unconnected at night. Find out about online protection for your family. Programs that provide parental controls can block websites, enforce time limits, monitor the websites your child visits, and their online conversations. Ask your child or teen where else she uses computers. Talk to teachers and caregivers about where and when your children are using electronic media. How can I help my child develop healthy electronic media habits? Get involved in your child’s media use — watch, play and listen with your child. Talk to her about it, find how what she enjoys and why. Share your own beliefs and values. Preview television shows, music and video games to see if they are okay. Encourage your child to try different media experiences. Help them make good choices. Learn about the Canadian and American ratings systems for television, music, movies and video games. They can help you choose appropriate media with your child. Talk to your child about stereotypes and violent images in the media. Educate him about the strategies that advertisers use to sell products to children. Limit the violent content your child is exposed to. Notice whether there are any changes in how he behaves after watching scary or violent shows, or playing video games. Speak out. If media content strikes you as inappropriate or offensive, tell the media organization. For more information: How to promote good television habits Impact of media use on children and youth: A position statement by the Canadian Paediatric Society. Media Awareness Network My Privacy, My Choice, My Life: A resource for children and teens about online privacy by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Concerned Children’s Advertisers: A website with tools to help children be media-wise. Reviewed by the CPS Community Paediatrics Committee and Public Education Advisory Committee Posted: June 2011 Canadian Paediatric Society

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